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We are getting excited about the upcoming 2024-2025 Wheeling Wrestling Club season and getting back on the mats. The board has been working hard on off-season opportunities for the youth and is ready to get started.
We would like you and your organization to share in our excitement. Your contribution to the club is vital and will allow for the continued success of the Wheeling Wrestling Cub.
We are greatly appreciative of any support. If you would like to be a sponsor for us, please select a sponsorship package.
Please submit your sponsorship no later than October 31, 2024, including a business logo to to be included on the website and/or social media posting.
If you have any further questions, please contact Jesse Blount at 847-452-8023.
We need and appreciate your support!!
Thank you,Wheeling Wrestling Club
Sponsorship Packages
Gold Medal Package​​ - $1000
Business name listed on WWC Sponsor page
Business promoted on WWC social media pages
Business promoted on team T-Shirts
Your business listed on sponsorship banner at major events
Silver Medal Package​​ - $500
Business name listed on WWC Sponsor page
Business promoted on team T-Shirts
Your business listed on sponsorship banner at major events
Bronze Medal Package​​ - $250
Business name listed on WWC Sponsor page
Business promoted on team T-Shirts
WWC Supporter Package​​ - $100
For individuals or families that want to donate to support our wrestlers